
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Parade Floats

On Monday July 20, 2009 after going to the temple open house we headed to Sandy to the South Town Expo Center where they were having a float preview for the Day's of '47 parade on the 24th of July. We got to vote for our favorite float at the end. Alex and Sam's favorite float was this boat below. My Grandma Welker, Aunt Louise and Uncle Walt were able to meet us at the float preview because they were in town to pick up Grandma and take her back to Washington, it was fun to see them for a little bit.
The floats were amazing, it will be fun to watch the parade on tv on the 24th to see all the floats.

The theme was "Catch the vision" So this float was Catch the vision with the 1st mormon missionary (who was Samuel H. Smith). They let us take a pictureon their float. In the parade they are going to have decendents of Samuel and Hyrum Smith ride on the float.
The kids all got balloons, they were fun to play with while we were there, then we got in the hot car and we kept hearing balloons pop in the back, so they didn't last long but they were fun.
Sam, Amiah holding Isabella, Daniel, Alex, Matthew, Elizabeth
Sam is holding an airplane, Amiah has a flower and heart hat, Daniel has a dragon and an airplane, Alex has an alien and motor cylce, Matthew has Hedwig on his head and nimbus 2000 broom from Harry Potter, and Elizabeth got a dragon fly and something else (I can't see).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Circus continued

This is the circus continued, you should probably start with the other circus entry first then read this one.
It is very sad because the family who is always in charge of the circus is moving, she told me I could do the circus next year, but no thank you!!, I am already crazy enough without that huge undertaking. It was hard getting pictures and helping behind the scenes because Dave wasn't there, he is at scout camp with Alex.

Daniel, Sam and Isabella enjoying goodies before the circus.
At the end of the muscle man act they had barbells with helium balloons that they let go of and the balloons floated away.

The front of Amiah's elephant

Picture of Alex from last years circus, he was a clown and muscle man. He was such a good helper with the little boys both this year and last year.

Neihborhood Circus

Our neighborhood has a kids circus during the summer. All of the proceeds are used to make school supply kits. Alex was in it last year, Amiah and Sam decided to be in it this year. Daniel decided his job would be to buy and eat goodies all night while he watched the circus. It was held last night at 8pm, alot of craziness but we all survived and I think everyone had fun. Enjoy the pictures!!

Sam was a lion, he is in the camo shorts
Amiah was an elephat, is the back half of the 3rd elephant in line.

Amiah was also a caterpiller during 'The ugly bug ball' she is the head of the yellow and green caterpiller.

Sam was also a muscle man. Alex helped to choreograph the routine but he has been at scout camp all this week so he wasn't here for the circus.

muscle man Sam